The Non-Fiction

"Walhalla, Victoria": 19th century drawing


The above lists available texts whether in print or not in alphabetical order by title. The Trollope Society has also published the four large travel books and Trollope's Life of Cicero. Facsimile reprints of the original texts are used, and there are brief introductory essays, but no notes. I have also not listed all the abridged editions of Trollope's non-fiction (e.g., Alan Sutton's).

Balloon View of Washington, D. C.: "It was, I suppose, intended that the streets to the eastward would be noble and populous, but hitherto they have come to nothing… " Harper's Weekly, V (July 27, 1861), 476

Secondary General Studies

On Trollope's Political and Critical Essays

On Trollope's Travel Writings

On Trollope's Book-Length Biographies and Critical Studies

On Trollope's An Autobiography

On Trollope's Letters

A Note to the Reader

Not only is there still no complete scholarly edition of Trollope's fiction (which accounts for the state of publication of his short stories and plays), but there has been very little writte about his short stories. I have included everything I could think of or know which could be of help to the student of Trollope's fiction who wants to study his short stories and plays. If any reader who comes to this site knows of good editions or scholarly-critical essays not cited here, I would be very grateful for information on these, and after checking, would add the citation to this bibliography.

Other books and essays which include scattered commentary, mostly contemporary with and by Trollope himself on the short stories will be found in the other bibliographies in this Trollope region.

Central Park, New York City, 1866 (old photograph)

Page Last Updated 11 January 2003.