Text Box: Generating and collecting first-hand accounts from the historical participants who have witnessed and contributed to the development of artificial organs as well as to the past 50 years of activity in the ASAIO.
Text Box: Online Documentation Project
Text Box: PROJECT BIONICS  Artificial Organs from Discovery to Clinical Text Box: * Narrative Highlights *

Carl Kjellstrand:
     In dialysis perhaps the "heroic" moment occurred in the early 1940's. A flash point then occurred when simultaneously Alwall in Sweden, Kolff in Netherlands and Murray in Canada independent of each other... 

John Watson [response to C.K.]:
     Major novel organ or tissue replacement technologies are usually "disruptive technologies" or as Carl [Kjellstrand] mentioned "flash points"... 

Don B. Olsen:
     I joined Dr. Kolff full time in June 1972 … Until 1972 all artificial hearts were implanted into calves/sheep by clinically trained surgeons and they used the mid-sternal approach... 

Paul Malchesky:
     The greatest challenges were at the interface of technology 
development and clinical application. When one has a technology/device that meets a clinical need... [more]

Steven J. Phillips:
     Heart valve replacement demonstrated that a mechanical device would work in a human … 

Text Box: Purpose
The Online Documentation Project aims to collect, generate and make accessible online historical participant accounts and commentaries about recent technical and scientific advances in artificial organs.  These accounts will complement the documentary record of artificial organ history. 

Project Bionics aims to generate narratives, commentaries and historical information from the pioneers in artificial organ developments as well as other leading contributors.  We are also interested in the second- and third-generation scientists, engineers and clinicians working in the various laboratories and research projects of this field’s leading contributors.  Project Bionic Work Group members will be utilized towards generating and evaluating quality contributions.  

Tell Us Your Story!  Visit our Website Today!

Text Box: An ASAIO History Project
at The Smithsonian
with the NLM
Text Box: http://echo.gmu.edu/bionics/