Day Trading Memory Bank

Submitted March 6, 2003, 2:29 PM

During what years were you an active day trader?
1999 to present
How developed were your computer skills before you day traded? What software did you use to trade? Did day trading affect your use of computers for things other than personal finance?
My computor skill's were average,i started by using schwab's online broswer to trade,i used the PCRA option from my 401-k account where you can get 50% of your 401 money moved into a brokerage account to trade with. I finally switched over to using real money in 2001, (taxable) (note:401-k money is not taxed until you draw it out) and I learned about direct-access daytrading software and opened an account with mb-trading which by the way is now called terra-nova-mb.
What was your employment status before, and during the time you day traded?
I did and still do workFull-time for a LtL trucking company,work from 1:30am to 10:30am which works just perfect for my trading time.
Did you day trade at work, at home, or in a trading office? How many hours a day did you trade?
I trade at home from 11:30am to 2:10pm only.
Where did you access information for your day trading? Online or offline? From chat groups, message boards, websites, or other sources?
I watch chat rooms using mirc software== #activetrader (Avg.620 traders),#TraderTechniques (Avg.230 traders),#daytrader (Avg.450 traders) i watch them to get an idea of what the mood of the market is---
What has been the result of your day trading? Were you financially successful? How has trading affected your professional and personal life? What are your thoughts about your experience?
It was really bad at first, I seemed to buy high and sell low.But now after 3-year's i make money most every day. I only trade the QQQ's, i found thats its a lot safer and predictable than regular stocks that can go against you faster than you can blink.I trade both long and short, over and over,using 4000 shares at a time and only want 10 to 15-cents profit at a time,figure this:4000x.10=$400 less commission,I started the year (Jan-2003) with $27,500.00 (note:margin in daytrading accounts are 4x1) in my trading account and now on this date (march-2003) im up to $40,210.00 and plan on quitting working by june if my luck does'nt change.
In addition to saving your story to the archive, may we post it to the web? (yes/no)
What is the highest level of education you have completed? (optional - will not be posted on the web)

graduated high school
How did you hear about this project? (optional - will not be posted on the web)

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