Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources

I include:


Primary Sources:


Printed Books (in date order):

20th Century Editions

E-Texts of Anne Finch's Poetry

Bibliography of the Original Source Texts

Annotated List of the Sources of Anne Finch's Fables

Secondary Materials on Anne and Heneage Finch

Bibliography on the Period: Anne and Heneage Finch's Contemporaries

Bibliography of Translation Studies.

The History of the Anthologizing and Important Individual Reprints

Here is a list of all the anthologies in which Anne Finch's poetry has appeared, of significant separate reprints of individual poems either where they come well after her death or where the texts were taken from previous printed books). The chronologies cite the first name of the editor and the year of the edition. For most of the older anthologies I have included the pagination. The anthologies are subdivided into centuries and then alphabetized.

The Seventeenth Century:

The Eighteenth Century:

The Nineteenth Century

The Twentieth Century, the First Half (1900-50)

The Twentieth Century, the Second Half (1951-2000):

Page Last Updated: 6 October 2003