You have obey'd, you Winds that must fullfill


Reflections upon part of the 8th verse of the 148 Psalm. Winds and storms fullfilling his Word. In a Pindarick Poem upon the late Hurrycane [1713 AW title includes date: in November 1703 and ... Concluding with an Hymne, see directly below]

Primary Text:

MS F-H 283, 143-52

Secondary Eds:

1713 Misc, 230-48; rpt of 1713: 1903 Reynolds, 252-62; rpt of 1903 Reynolds: 1930 Fausset, 105-12.


As with "All is Vanity," brilliant passages (e.g., the bewilderment of tiny creatures) recoverable only through excerpts.


Begun November 1903; F-H 283 subscribed "written at Wye College and finished Feb 9th 1703/4." See Pat Rogers, "Hurricanes happen in Hampshire," Times Literary Supplement, 4 July 2003, 14-15; also Yvonne Noble, "Anne Finch's Pindaric Ode on the Great Storm of 1703". Conference paper delivered at the EC/ASECS, "Nature and Artistry", October 2-4, 2003 at the University of Pittsburg at Greensburg.

Page Last Updated 6 October 2003