This matchless Picture, Jervas, hide


TO MR. JERVAS. Occasion'd by the Sight of Mrs. Chetwind's Picture. By the Right Honourable the Countess of W--."

Primary Texts:

MS's: Swift MSS, Pierpont Morgan MS, unnumbered transcription in Heneage's hand; MS Add 4807, a draft of Pope's Iliad, on f 161v a letter from Richard Steele to Pope accompanying poem which appears on f 162v.

Secondary Eds:

1714 Steele, 38-9; rpt of 1714 Steele: 1903 Reynolds, 109.


Light-weight social verse, complimenting a fashionable painter; Pope's "Epistle to Mr Jervas" (written 1715) more seriously meant.


From Swift's letter of March 2, 1709, noting the two latest society beauties, "Mrs. Chetwind" (married in 1703 to Walter Chetwynd of Ingestre, Saffordshire) and "Mrs. Worsley" (i.e, Francis Thynne's Lady Worseley's daughter, before she became Lady Carteret); and of Steele's letter accompanying the poem in MS 4807, dated July 26, 1711.

Page Last Updated 8 January 2003