Then, by some fountain's flow'ry side


From the French translation of the Aminta of Tasso. Part of the description of the Golden Age.

Primary Texts:

MS's: F-H 283, 43; Folger, 4

Secondary Eds:

1713 Misc, 199-200; rpt of 1713: 1903 Reynolds, 119; rpt of 1903 Reynolds: 1930 Fausset, 58.


"Alors parmy les Fleurs sur le bord des fontaines", Tasso, Aminta, de Torches, 52-3; I, ii, 682-94.


A metaphrase solely from the French. Early translation work.


This and the following brief pieces are what is left of her first attempt at dramatic poetry; I have placed them after the above three (as they are found in both 1713 Misc and 1903 Reynolds) so that the pieces appear in play's sequence.

Page Last Updated 7 January 2003