When first upon the Stage a Play appears


Prologue, To my Lord Winchilsea, upon the first reading the Play [ARISTOMENES] to him at Eastwell in Kent

Primary Text:

MS Folger, 133*.

Secondary Eds:

1903 Reynolds prints Folger text, 337-38; rpts of 1903 Reynolds: 1928 Murray, 109-10; 1930 Fausset, 118-9.


As stated by Finch this prologue was written sometime after the rest of the play, as an introduction to a private reading (by Anne) to Charles Finch, the heir and Heneage's nephew (the eldest son of the eldest son of Henege's father), after 1689 the 3rd Earl of Winchilsea, and after 1692 in control of the estate; the reading could have occurred when Anne and Heneage were visiting or later residing at Eastwel

Page Last Updated 7 January 2003