Day Trading Memory Bank

Submitted February 26, 2003, 2:51 PM

During what years were you an active day trader?
How developed were your computer skills before you day traded? What software did you use to trade? Did day trading affect your use of computers for things other than personal finance?
I had mediocre skills before, they're not much better now.
What was your employment status before, and during the time you day traded?
Student before, now a hedge fund manager.
Did you day trade at work, at home, or in a trading office? How many hours a day did you trade?
I trade at home. I spend over 100 hours a week doing research and trading.
Where did you access information for your day trading? Online or offline? From chat groups, message boards, websites, or other sources?
Online and offline. I use all sources available to me.
What has been the result of your day trading? Were you financially successful? How has trading affected your professional and personal life? What are your thoughts about your experience?
I have been extremely successful. My worst year was 2002 where I returned 90.4%. I do miss out on my personal life b/c i'm so engaged in my trading. I think it has been worth it.
Harris Kupperman
In addition to saving your story to the archive, may we post it to the web? (yes/no)
What is the highest level of education you have completed? (optional - will not be posted on the web)

Finishing college in may.
How did you hear about this project? (optional - will not be posted on the web)


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