Publication: Technology Development of an Accessibility Obstacle Monitoring System
Lancaster, Brandon
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It is often taken for granted by able-bodied people that they can input virtually any
address into a wayfinding application (such as Google Maps or similar), get directions to
the desired location in seconds and be on their way within minutes; often with complete
foreknowledge of any barriers they may encounter. Sadly, individuals with physical
disabilities do not have this luxury, which is becoming part of a modern definition of
quality of life. There exist many accounts of people with mobility impairments who have
decided to remain home due to the uncertainty about reaching their desired location in a
timely manner, if at all. Thus, causing feelings of isolation and consuming unnecessary
time on nearly every trip, a burden not experienced by the general population. This is
inequitable and needs to change.
One major reason this group does not have access to quick and reliable directions that
take into account their disability is because the real time geospatial data of the built
environment is not available. This project aims to address a small part of this problem.
An often cited barrier by this population is elevator interoperability. This project will
present the design and development of a low cost, low maintenance and long wireless
range elevator sensor that makes real-time status information available to all.
Specifically, it utilizes a newer radio technology (LoRa) designed specifically for long
range, low power, low bandwidth applications. This information is then made available
and hosted by Sozialhelden e.V., a registered nonprofit organization founded in 2004,
aimed at breaking down barriers and creating accessibility. Thus, providing a uniform
and future-proof method of storing and accessing this much needed information. This
will enable developers of apps and websites around the world to incorporate this realtime
accessibility data that is currently missing into future wayfinding applications and
improve quality of life for people with mobility impairments.
Accessibility obstacles, FORESTRY, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and LANDSCAPE PLANNING::Area technology::Remote sensing, elevator, embedded systems, A11yJSON