Publication: Ground-Based Light Curve Follow-Up Validation Observations of TESS Object of Interest 5691.01
Tong, Adam
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George Mason University
Context. Transiting planets around host stars is crucial to understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems. Through TESS, TOI-5691.01 was identified around a host star, TOI-5691.
Aims. The focus of this paper is on validating the transiting method leading to the identification of TOI-5691.01. We present the characterization and possible confirmation of a transiting exoplanet around a host star
Methods. Using the software Lightkurve, we create TESS light curves. Through transit photometry, we also created a ground-based light curve and performed analysis using the software AstroImageJ to validate the transit of our candidate exoplanet. Due to the limited scope of our research, we did not perform other detection methods such as radial velocity measurement using a high-resolution spectrograph, and false-positive analysis using Vespa.