


Majewski, Janice

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This manuscript explores the human capacities to look and to love and how that becomes complicated by death, my brother’s. The poems are meditations on these ideas, as well as what it means to be writing about them at all, to be communicating this from one body to another through the language of poems. I use the poem to talk to my brother and the reader. In some I use my brother’s language from Orphan song lyrics to create my own - an attempt to preserve something that is left of his voice and transform it into my own by way of my understanding of our relationship. Probably naturally, an obsession with measurement by means of observation builds as I search for how to understand a painful experience.


This thesis has been embargoed for 10 years and will not be available until May 2028 at the earliest.


Elegy, Looking, Ekphrasis, Meditation
