Young Women’s Understanding of Climate Change and its Effects on Maternal/Prenatal Health Outcomes in Nigeria, West Africa



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Climate change is one of the biggest 21st-century global health problems. Developing nations like Nigeria are the hardest hit, with pregnant women being the most vulnerable and at-risk populations. Despite the overwhelming evidence linking climate change to adverse maternal and prenatal health outcomes, only a few studies have investigated Nigeria’s climate change and maternal health outcomes. Hence, this study seeks to examine the perspectives of young Nigerian women about climate change and maternal and child health, emphasizing the sociocultural nuances that define their experiences. Building on an earlier autoethnography, this study adapted the Delphi technique and in-depth interviews with women in five distinct groups (N=50). The study findings show that women across groups are aware of the changing weather and seasonal patterns and their implications on children, elderly, less privilege and farmers. Also, religious beliefs appear to be a socio-cultural factor that transcends income, education, and employment in influencing women’s perceptions of climate change. The findings in this study have value in translating science-based evidence into understandable and accessible information to raise awareness and help guide environmental policy changes that can enhance maternal health outcomes.



Air pollution, Climate change, Heatwave, Maternal health, Nigeria, Prenatal health
