Globalization and Inequality: Subnational Differentials within Nation States




Keating, Michael D.

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In this thesis I examine the nation state’s place in the formulation and understanding of global income inequality. The literature is very conflicted on the directional relationship between neoliberal economic globalization and income inequality. I theorize that current measurements of inequality, which use countries as “units” of measurement, are insufficient. A subnational analysis of inequality shows varied rises and falls in inequality across a national space. The varied directional impacts of neoliberal economic globalization on income inequality in this paper helps to shed light on why there is so much conflict in the literature. I further argue that future analyses of income inequality should move beyond the state as a unit of analysis so that the true impacts of decentralized economic policies, government programs, and the overall effects of globalization can be understood by states, policy makers, and nongovernmental organizations.



Inequality, Globalization, Neoliberal, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa
