What Do We Do If the Saudi Monarchy Falls?




Katz, Mark N.

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Taylor and Francis


Although by no means a certainty, the growing internal problems inside the Kingdom as well as the increased strains in Saudi-American relations since September 11 both indicate that the downfall ofthe monarchy may be more likely now than in the past. How could America respond to such an eventuality? The impact ofthis "worst case" scenario would be so enormous that some thought clearly needs to be given to what U.S. foreign policy options might be even ifthe probability ofits occurrence is seen as low. Ifthe probability ofthis scenario is seen as high, then this task is even more urgent. This paper argues that while responding to the downfall ofthe Saudi monarchy will not be easy, there are some strategies that the United States can adopt to contain the threat that it will pose.


The definitive version of this document can be found at http://tinyurl.com/4cu7ap This document was created using OCR technology, and may contain minor discrepancies from the published document.


Saudi Arabia, United States, Foreign policy, International relations
