A Pipeline for Constructing a Catalog of Multi-method Models of Interacting Galaxies




Holincheck, Anthony

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Galaxies represent a fundamental unit of matter for describing the large-scale structure of the universe. One of the major processes affecting the formation and evolution of galaxies are mutual interactions. These interactions can including gravitational tidal distortion, mass transfer, and even mergers. In any hierarchical model, mergers are the key mechanism in galaxy formation and evolution. Computer simulations of interacting galaxies have evolved in the last four decades from simple restricted three-body algorithms to full n-body gravity models. These codes often included sophisticated physical mechanisms such as gas dynamics, supernova feedback, and central blackholes. As the level of complexity, and perhaps realism, increases so does the amount of computational resources needed. These advanced simulations are often used in parameter studies of interactions. They are usually only employed in an ad hoc fashion to recreate the dynamical history of specific sets of interacting galaxies. These specific models are often created with only a few dozen or at most few hundred sets of simulation parameters being attempted.



Astrophysics, Astronomy, Citizen Science, Dynamical Friction, Interacting Galaxies, Restricted three-body, Simulation
