An Exploratory Study of the Transition Experiences of Post-9/11 GI Bill Era Student/Veterans From Active Duty Military Service to College Student
Falkey, Mary Elizabeth
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This qualitative study explores the transition experiences of Post-9/11 Era military veterans from active duty military service to college students for the purpose of adding to the body of knowledge about this student population. The subjects, who voluntarily offered to participate, were 15 community college student/veterans and 10 four-year institution student/veterans. Each interview was transcribed to create a written manuscript and the data was analyzed and coded. The themes which emerged from analysis of the interview transcripts were financial issues, interpersonal issues, academic issues, community issues, isolation, and inconsistency of information received from academic institutions.
Higher education, Adult education, Community college education, College students, Military, Post 9/11 Era GI Bill, Student veterans, Transition, Veterans