Predicting Daily Attendance Behaviors: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach




Nicolaides, Vias C.

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The current dissertation borrowed from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; e.g., Ajzen, 1991) to synthesize and test a model of early and late workplace departure behavior at the within-person level. The study used an 11-day experience sampling methodology (ESM) design through which self-report measures of independent variables and objective measures of dependent variables (i.e., early and late departure) were gathered from a sample of 57 employees. The results from multilevel mediation analyses substantially validated the model in the case of early departure, but not in the case of late departure, suggesting that the two variables are fundamentally distinct. For both behaviors, however, intention emerged as an important determinant of departure behavior. In the case of early departure behavior, specific attitude and perceived behavioral control concerning early departure mediated the effects of job satisfaction and ability to attend factors on early departure intention. In addition, intention to depart early from work mediated the effects of specific attitude and perceived behavioral control concerning early departure on actual early departure behavior.



Psychology, Daily attendance behaviors, Early departure, Employee Attendance, Late Departure, Theory of Planned Behavior, Within-person relationships
