Newspaper Column: Poison Ivy Patch Poisons Reston-County Ties
Nicoson, William J.
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The Connection
“Look: a patch of poison ivy.” “Well, you know what to do. Get rid of it. It’s our job to protect Nature Center visitors from harm.” Thus began the great poison ivy war between Fairfax County and Reston Association and between two factions of RA directors. For adherence to unimpeachable RA objectives, protecting its members from harm, RA has been cited by Fairfax County for environmental delinquency. Even more astonishing, some RA directors have encouraged and reveled in this result, risking questions concerning breach of their fiduciary obligation to support rather than attack RA in its dealings with third parties.
PDF file distilled from original WordPerfect document. Original size 11" x 8.5".
Reston (VA) Nature Center, Fairfax County (VA), Reston (VA) Association (RA)