Effects of Individual or Group Training and Anxiety for Youth Basketball Players’ Skill Development
Ennis, John
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The purpose of this study is to determine, based on experience level, if group or individual training will be more effective for youth and high school basketball players. This research is being conducted because youth basketball is a critical time for players to develop fundamental skills and prepare themselves to make a high school team. This information will be valuable to basketball trainers or coaches as it may contribute to the improvement and success of their own players and teams. Furthermore, the foundation of this research derives from these research questions: How will training in an individual setting affect a player who has little to no experience with basketball? How will training in a group setting affect a player who is already experienced with basketball? The procedural technique for this study is an experimental design with the use of the Sport Competition Anxiety Test. Testing occurred during the first and tenth week and subjects trained once a week for eight weeks in between testing. All subjects were instructed to take the SCAT immediately prior to testing. Tests consist of Mikan series, stationary dribbling, shooting ladder, dribble weave, passing at target, attacking the gaps, lane slides, push-ups, and free throws. The 60 subjects in this study were selected via the probability method of stratified random sampling.
Individual training, Youth basketball players, Group training, Skill development, Anxiety