Digital History Fellowship
Walters Cooper, LaQuanda
Swain, Greta
Dauterive, Jessica
Crossley, Laura
Odiorne, Andrew
Wilson, Lacey
Bratt, Jordan
Seal, Stephanie Anne
Fahringer, Alyssa Toby
Legg, Jannelle
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Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
This website served as a space for reflection from the graduate students in the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media's Digital History Fellowship program. Each new group of students contributed their stories and experiences, and provided a fresh look at digital history in graduate programs. The site also included each year's fellowship syllabus. First awarded in 2012, the Digital History Fellowship was funded by the Provost’s PhD Program Awards, and provided graduate students with stipends and an opportunity to undertake practicum courses in the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. Students discussed previous projects completed by the Center to better understand how digital history has developed since 1994, while simultaneously offering new perspectives on present and future projects. They also worked within the Education, Public Projects, and Research divisions to learn new skills and contribute to current projects. Hosted at
The WARC file can be viewed using a web archiving program such as Conifer ( The ZIP contains a static version of the website.
Digital history, Pedagogy