GeoMason: Geospatial Support for MASON




Sullivan, Keith
Coletti, Mark
Luke, Sean

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Department of Computer Science, George Mason University


MASON is a free, open-source Java-based discrete event multi-agent simulation toolkit that has been used to model network intrusions, unmanned aerial vehicles, nomadic migrations, and farmer/herder conflicts, among others. Many multi-agent models use georeferenced data which represent such things as road networks, rivers, vegetation coverage, population, and topology. However, MASON does not directly support georeferenced data. Therefore practitioners using MASON must hand craft such support, which may be difficult and error prone. In this paper we describe newly added geospatial functionality in MASON that addresses this problem. We discuss the design of this functionality, called GeoMASON, and its use and limitations. Finally, we give examples on how to import and manipulate georeferenced data.



Technical reports, Computer simulation, Geographic Information Systems


Keith Sullivan, Mark Colletti, Sean Luke. GeoMason: Geospatial Support for MASON. Technical Report. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, Department of Computer Science, 2010. Report No.: GMU-CS-TR-2010-16.