Individual Differences in Rapid Spatial Orientation Across Spatial Frames of Reference
Garcia, Andre
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A series of studies were conducted with the intent of examining the nature of regions of space (ROS), peripersonal and extrapersonal ROS, and in particular, in the auditory modality. Further, potential individual differences in human interaction within these ROS were examined. Previous research has documented the existence of differences in interacting with visual stimuli presented within versus across ROS. The current investigation sought to examine potential analogous effects for auditory stimuli. Further, research suggests that there are substantial individual differences in spatial abilities and navigation strategies. Specifically, high spatial ability individuals tend to have a good sense of direction (GSD) and tend to use their visual-spatial working memory when performing spatial tasks. Conversely, those with poor spatial abilities tend to have a poor sense of direction (PSD) and generally tend to use a verbal-sequential strategy that relies on verbal working memory when performing spatial tasks. The near and far
Psychology, Behavioral sciences, Industrial engineering, Individual Differences, Regions of Space, Spatial Strategy