James M. Buchanan Lecture, November 11, 2008, George Mason University
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Materials from the James M. Buchanan Lecture of November 11, 2007. The Lecture, named for James M. Buchanan, the 1986 winner of the Alfred Nobel Prize in Economics, features distinguished scholars in fields of economics related to Public Choice Theory. Materials related to this title include: Video of lecture - containing: Welcome by John Zenelis, George Mason University Librarian; Short Film: Daring to be Different: Reflections on the Life and Work of James M. Buchanan by Special Collections & Archives, George Mason University Libraries and Buchanan House, George Mason University; Introduction by Alex Tabarrok, Professor of Economics, George Mason University; Main Lecture: "Liberty & the Rule of Law: Why are Developing Countries so Resistant" by Bary R. Weingast, Ward C. Krebs Family Professor, Department of Political Science, Stanford University; Comments and Questions. Paper for Main Lecture, Invitation to Lecture, Program for Lecture.
Video: MPEG-4 H.264 AAC 320 x 240, running time is 58 minutes 57 seconds. Paper for Main Lecture: PDF-A, 21 pages front-and-back (total of 41 text pages). Invitation: PDF-A, 4 pages (color), 5" x 7" (12.7 cm x 17.8 cm). Program: PDF-A, 4 pages (color), 8.5" x 5.5" (21.6 cm x 12.97 cm).