Strengthening Locally-Led Peacebuilding: From Policy to Action
Hume, Liz
Mitchell, Leslie
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Alliance for Peacebuilding
Locally-led peacebuilding (LLPB) is critical to preventing and managing violent conflict and building sustainable peace in conflict-affected and fragile states. This policy brief outlines the importance of LLPB programming in building local, individual, and organizational ability to lead and partner with international organizations, identifies best practices for and challenges of donors and implementing international partners working to advance LLPB, and provides recommendations for its meaningful implementation. The brief focuses on guidelines for procurement, support for local organizations, strengthening local capacity, providing feedback, accountability, and monitoring and effectively responding to closing civic space. While this policy brief focuses on the peacebuilding sector, these recommendations are also applicable to international development and humanitarian assistance. For more information see: http://www.allianceforpeacebuilding. org/afp-publications/
Conflict prevention, Locally-led peacebuilding, Design, Monitoring and Evaluation