Newspaper Column: Simon and Forst for the RA Board
Nicoson, William J.
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The Connection
You’ve just sent your $370 annual assessment check to Reston Association. Next week you’ll receive your ballot for election of RA directors. Since you value RA as the steward of property values and life-style in the community, you’ll carefully consider the candidates, mark the ballot and mail it. You figure that’s the least you can do to support your own personal interest in the quality of your community. Who are you? Well, if history is any guide to RA voting this year, all of you will comprise less than 20% of RA’s members.
PDF file distilled from original WordPerfect document. Original size 11" x 8.5".
Reston (Va.), Reston (VA) Association (RA), Board of Directors (Reston Association), Simon, Robert E., Jr., Forst, Judith