Newspaper Column: The Final Solution for Deer
Nicoson, William J.
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The Connection
If you don’t watch out for deer while driving these days, you may sleep sooner than you think. In fact, a deer may help you dream eternally, as Hamlet feared, whether you’re watching or not. A year ago my brother-in-law visited Reston in his shiny, upscale new car. As the two of us were riding at dusk on Wiehle Avenue, a deer dashed across the lane of on-coming traffic, slammed into the driver’s side of the car and disappeared limping into underbrush. The car didn’t limp but needed body-work. Had the deer dashed a bit faster, we would have hit him head-on with unpredictable consequences to life and limb not only for us but for passengers in nearby cars as well.
PDF file distilled from original WordPerfect document. Original size 11" x 8.5".
Deer, Automobile accidents, Reston (Va.)