Equitable Perspectives: First-year ESL Teachers' Perspectives of, and Pedagogy for, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Collazo, Judith Helen
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As the American public school population has transformed from monolithic to multicultural, our teaching population has not (NCES, 2013). Thus, vast inequities in the US public schools for CLD students, compounded by a hierarchy of privilege and lowered teacher expectations, suppress the achievement and identities of culturally and linguistically diverse students of color (Castagno, 2008). Through the interpretative qualitative lens of multimodal thematic and critical discourse analysis, the researcher explored the relationship among five, first-year ESL teachers’ perspectives of, pedagogy for, and experiences with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students by addressing the following research questions: First, what are the perspectives (beliefs, view, attitudes) of white, non-CLD, first-year English as a second language (ESL) teachers of their culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students? Second, in what ways do white, non-CLD, first-year ESL teachers’ perspectives about CLD students relate to their pedagogy (instructional practices)? Third, how do first-year, non-CLD, white ESL teachers re-interpret their perspectives after gaining teaching experience in high CLD population schools? The findings from this instrumental case study developed into a model of color-blind privilege consisting of the deficit perspectives of CLD students, acceptance of segregated instructional practices for CLD learners, and marginalizing dispositions to teach in high CLD populations. Limitations and future implications were also discussed.
Multicultural education, Teacher education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Critical discourse analysis, Critical Race Theory, White privilege, Culturally and linguistically diverse, Culturally responsive instruction, English language learners, Teacher perspectives