An Ecological Study of Hunting Creek 2015




Jones, R. Christian
de Mutsert, Kim
Jonas, Robert
Huff, Thomas

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Hunting Creek is an embayment of the tidal Potomac River located just downstream of the City of Alexandria and the I-95/I-495 Woodrow Wilson bridge. This embayment receives treated wastewater from the Alexandria Renew Enterprises wastewater treatment plant and inflow from Cameron Run which drains most of the Cities of Alexandria and Falls Church and much of eastern Fairfax County. Hunting Creek is bordered on the north by the City of Alexandria and on the west and south by the George Washington Memorial Parkway and associated park land. Due to its tidal nature and shallowness, the embayment does not seasonally stratify vertically, and its water is flushed by rainstorms and may readily mix with the adjacent tidal Potomac River mainstem. Beginning in 2013 the Potomac Environmental Research and Education (PEREC) in collaboration with Alexandria Renew Enterprises (AlexRenew) initiated a program to monitor water quality and biological communities in the Hunting Creek area including stations in the embayment itself and the adjacent river mainstem. This document presents study findings from 2015 and compares them with 2013 and 2014 data. In addition special studies were conducted on anadromous fish usage of Hunting Creek and Cameron Run, Escherichia coli levels in Hunting Creek and tributaries, and micropollutant levels in sediments and waters of Hunting Creek and Cameron Run.



Hunting Creek, Potomac River, Wastewater, Escherichia coli, Micropollutant, Anadromous fish usage
