Winter Quarters
Chen, Anne Cavazos
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This thesis follows the cast members of the Three Sisters Circus as they cope with the aftermath of a devastating fire. Ned, the Artistic Director, is desperate to keep the circus together. He leads them to winter quarters in Sawgrass where he works to pull together a new show for the season that begins in six weeks. He has multiple problems with the cast that includes Ooma, an exotic albino equestrian who is the tenth generation of a circus family. She lost her brother and sister in the fire along with her act. Ned needs to keep Ooma with the circus because if she leaves, five families will follow her. The Head Clown, Scorch, was burned in the fire and cannot perform until he heals. Ned assigns him to be the temporary Road Manager, a role Scorch dislikes. Ned decides to hire a former stripper and music video dancer to reimagine the circus girl choreography and bring more people out to see the circus. The dancer, Didi, is instantly disliked for her unconventional ways. The cast has six weeks to get back on the road with a new show.
Circus, Winter quarters