Citadel Malta-Affects of EU Integration on Veiled Perceptions of Refugee and Asylum Seekers in Malta
Sheppard, Michael J.
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This thesis illustrates the profound impact of refugee regimes and asylum policy within the broader context of European Union rules and regulations. Further underpinning the social framework of Malta within the confines of those legal instruments and the effect it has on the Maltese society as well as the refugee and asylum seeking population. What is discussed is a variable Who's who of the many programs, institutions, and groups all striving to bring some semblance of balance to an archaic system which disrupts families, creates migration dilemmas and furthers division through false perception problematic integration procedures. This thesis was the culmination of a new and impressive one year program which seeks to incorporate two masters while providing knowledge from experts throughout the world. The location is also pinnacle and give the recent "Arab spring" much more critical that this program remains situated within the Mediterranean. During the process of researching and writing this thesis, the author conducted interviews with high profile people in positions of both Maltese government and human rights NGO's with regards to the refugee question. The author also reviewed literature and government reports detailing both a rational and theoretical framework. This thesis is a reference and resource for anyone who has a keen passion for human rights and willing to delve deeper into issues of migration and the plight of refugees and asylum seekers.
Temporary Subsidiary Protection, Frontex, Schengen, Refugee, Asylum, Regime