Emergent Designer: An integrated research and design support tool based on models of complex systems
Kicinger, Rafal P.
Arciszewski, Tomasz
De Jong, Kenneth A.
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The paper introduces an integrated research and design support tool, called Emergent Designer, developed at George Mason University. It is a tool that implements models of various complex systems, including cellular automata and evolutionary algorithms, to represent engineering systems and design processes. The system is intended for conducting design experiments in the area of structural design and for the analysis of their results. It implements state-of-the-art representations supporting generation of novel design concepts and efficient mechanisms for their subsequent optimization at the topology and sizing level. It also implements advanced methods, models, and tools from statistics and from the linear as well as nonlinear time series analysis to conduct the analysis of the design processes. Thus, it is a versatile tool that can be used both as a state-of-the-art design support tool and as an advanced research tool equipped with the methods and tools for the analysis of the design processes and of the obtained experimental results.
Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. (2004). "Emergent Designer: An integrated research and design support tool based on models of complex systems." Proceedings of the Workshop on the Implementation Issues in Generative Design Systems at the First International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'04), Massachusetts Institute of technology, Cambridge, MA, July 17-21, 2004, L. G. Caldas and J. P. Duarte, eds., MIT, Cambridge, MA, 93-112.