Newspaper Column: A City Center in Reston for Dulles Corridor
Nicoson, William J.
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Reston Times
It seems reasonable to assume that the air-rights proposal for joint metro station and related commercial and residential development on platforms over the intersection of the Dulles Access Road and Reston Parkway, taken together with Reston’s adjacent Town Center, Plaza America, and the Sheraton Hotel redevelopment, will inevitably become a city center for the Dulles Corridor. Hopefully the development and redevelopment will be planned to permit such a city center to bring excitement and vitality to Reston and provide easy access from other communities in the corridor. Handsomely designed open space will be an essential component. Cultural offerings – in both performing and visual arts -- must be assured, not only to contribute to the vitality of animation around the clock but to draw new customers to Reston restaurants and shops.
PDF file distilled from original WordPerfect document. Original size 11" x 8.5".
Dulles (VA) corridor, Reston (Va.)