Formation of the Power Density Spectrum in the Accreting Compact X-Ray Objects
Makeev, Andrey
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One of the remarkable phenomena, characterizing both Galactic and extra-Galactic Xray binary systems, is the substantial variability of a photon ux, detectable in a very broad range of timescales. For instance, the accretion ow near a black hole event horizon can produce X-ray variability on a millisecond timescale. At the same time aperiodic changes from the extended accretion disk formed around the same black hole can occur on timescales of order of several months to years. A complex structure, involving high and low frequency nearly periodic oscillations and aperiodic features, observed in X-ray lightcurves, is the subject of intensive studies. The characteristic quantities, extracted from temporal analysis, carry speci c physical meaning and contain direct observational information about dynamics of the accreting X-ray source. It is the established fact that X-ray spectral and timing properties are tightly correlated. Combined together, the photon energy spectrum and the power density spectrum analyses, form a powerful framework that brings up the complete (in the energy/space domain) picture of the physical processes at work in the accreting system. Simultaneous study of spectral and timing characteristics allows for comprehensive probing of the geometry of accretion ows, reliable identi cation of the type of an X-ray source (black hole vs neutron star), constraining mass, size, and spin of accreting stellar-mass compact objects. Up until now there is no self-consistent physical model of the formation and evolution of the X-ray variability. This leaves a relative freedom in interpretation of the characteristic quantities obtained from the timing analysis. The current work aims at development of the physical alternative to the commonplace ad hoc description of the Fourier power density spectrum of X-ray timing signal. In the following study we employ the di usion theory to directly solve for the X-ray luminosity uctuations. The basic underlying physical assumption is that the observed variability of Xray luminosity originates as the result of local uctuations of the accretion rate, at all radii in the disk, that di usively propagate outward. Energy dissipation (and X-ray emission) occurs in a narrow, shock-like region, called the transition layer, where the Keplerian ow becomes non-Keplerian in order to adjust itself to the slowly-rotating surface of a neutron star or the innermost stable orbit around a black hole. The X-ray time signal from the transition region, as seen by a remote observer, is obtained by integrating over the emission zone. The signal's power spectrum is then calculated and analyzed. Our di usion model of the power spectrum formation operates with parameters that are physical characteristics of the accretion ow: the di usion time scale, the Reynolds number (which is connected to the viscosity -parameter), Keplerian and magnetosonic quasi-periodic oscillation frequencies, radial size of the transition layer, and viscosity index, related to the viscosity distribution law in the system. These quantities constitute the core of temporal data used along with the spectral information to study physics of accretion. The proposed propagating uctuation model can reproduce fundamental properties of the variability observed in X-ray light curves of accreting black hole and neutron star systems, as well as explain the power spectrum evolution during the spectral state transitions of the source.
Accretion disk, Power spectrum, X-ray binary, X-ray luminosity, X-ray variability