Separated, United, Seceded: How the Conflict Between Khartoum and Juba Led to the Creation of the Republic of South Sudan
Elmaki, Durra R.
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The international community is constantly dealing with an ever-evolving global order and this is most reflected in secessionist movements that have passionately caught the world’s attention. This thesis investigates how the conflict between the Sudan and South Sudan resulted in the creation of the Republic of South Sudan on July 2011. By analyzing this landmark contemporary case, I intend to clarify the complexity of the variables involved in such a unique situation and put forth an explanation on how a secessionist movement can succeed in its goal of creating a separate nation-state. Given the significance of the historical context of the conflict, the time period of this study ranges from the Anglo-Egyptian period of the Sudan’s history to present, contemporary times. I approach the study by using prominent research strategies: (1) a qualitative analysis of literature available on the Sudan with a focus on the conflict and (2) a careful review of the academic and scholarly literature that put forth theories relevant to the Sudanese conflict. Extensive data has been collected from numerous academically peerreviewed articles and publications, as well as archives, newspapers, quantitative data banks, and other published reports. I find it necessary to also disclose that as a Sudanese- American I have extensive personal experience living and working in the Sudan, primarily in Khartoum, which provides me with a first-hand perspective on the happenings of the conflict, as well as intricate details surrounding Sudanese culture. At the forefront of the goals of this thesis is to challenge the dominant argument that asserts that at the core of the establishment of South Sudan is the internal religiousethnos identity driven conflict that has destined the Sudan to be incompatible with its southern counterpart. Many hold the view that conflicting national identities drove the conflict between the Sudan and South Sudan; however, this thesis argues that the drivers of conflict in the Sudan are multi-faceted and cannot be disregarded as merely being a conflict of identities. Considering that protracted violent conflicts often shift in their focus and in the primary actors involved, it is necessary to take into consideration other factors that may have directed the course of the conflict. To overlook plausible other drivers of civil war is to do the analysis of the conflict an injustice and is a disservice to the field of conflict analysis and resolution. It is the aim of this thesis to evaluate theories prevalent in the field of conflict analysis and resolution, as well as international relations and apply them to the conflict in the Sudan, thus leaving room to evaluate whether or not they hold empirically verifiable validity to the conflict. In contemporary times, it is increasingly rare for the international community to welcome the establishment of a new country, making the case of the Republic of South Sudan an extraordinary intellectual opportunity to explore. This thesis also takes into consideration the volatile environment between the two countries and puts forth some policy recommendations that can serve as a guide to fostering better relations between the warring countries.
Conflict, Identity conflict, Sudan, Colonialism, Secessionist movement, Ethnic conflict