Integrating Biodefense Topics into Secondary Education Curriculum
Dalfrey, Karen E.
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Concerns about threats posed by microorganisms found in nature are compounded with the possibility for intentional dissemination. Our vulnerability has increased due to more frequent travel between geographical regions, newly emerging pathogens, changes in terrorist activities, and advances in biotechnology. To increase awareness and global preparedness for threats posed by biological agents, educators need to have access to training and materials to educate the next generation in these issues. To assess what approach would provide educators with the tools necessary to incorporate biodefense related content into their current curricula, secondary education science teachers were surveyed about factors limiting the content of curricula presented in their courses. Results indicate that the most influential barriers to curricula change are time limitations and state mandated exam pressures. Analysis measuring differences in survey responses between two groups of teachers who are separated based on their level of using mandated state objectives to guide their curricula planning indicates that pressures of state mandated exam scores and a general fear of unsuccessful results are determinants for separating teachers into one of these two groups. A teacher training workshop conducive to supporting curricula change was held with the goal of increasing awareness of current threats posed by biological agents and modern biodefense strategies. The workshop was also designed to assist participants in overcoming barriers challenging their ability to incorporate new content into curricula. Participant responses to a post-workshop survey were favorable for measurements of the workshop effectiveness towards diminishing barriers to teacher initiated curricula changes. Respondents reported increased understanding of modern biology, increased realization of the importance of updating curricula with modern knowledge, and increased likeliness of incorporating content from the workshop into current curriculum.