Iranian Diaspora Organizations in Peace Building
Moayedi, Shadi
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This thesis describes Iranian American diaspora organizations and their role in peace building and in acting as a bridge between their two historically conflicting countries. This thesis will look at the various diaspora communities and their engagement during a conflict that involves their homeland. Additionally, elements that define a diaspora organization’s ability to engage constructively in peace-building efforts will be presented. A case study of one of the largest and most active Iranian American diaspora organizations, National Iranian American Council (NIAC), will be conducted. NIAC’s aims and efforts will be analyzed in order to gain an understanding of the organizations strengths, potentials and limitations in peace-building between Iran and the United States. The continuously stalemated U.S.-Iran conflict is in dire need of a new approach. Thus, looking at other potential influencers, such as the diaspora, may be paramount in reaching peace between these two nations.
Iranian Americans, Peacebuilding, US-Iran Relations, Diaspora organizations