Stakeholder Perceptions of the Social and Economic Impact of Baseball in Venezuela
Zimmerman, Kristen A
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This study was designed to understand how baseball affects the daily life of Venezuelans, specifically in a social and economic way. In order to execute this study, interviews were conducted with four adults who are highly involved in the baseball community of Venezuela. Interviews were conducted via Skype in either English or Spanish, in whichever language the participant was most comfortable. Questions were asked of the study participants to understand their involvement with baseball, their description of baseball in Venezuela, how baseball affects their interactions with others, and how baseball affects the economy. Results indicated that baseball has become a daily part of social life. However, economically, baseball only affects those in the private sector or the government. The results also indicated that baseball teaches youth valuable life lessons and morals as well as how to be healthy and fit. While the sample size was small, this study introduces the positives and negatives of baseball in Venezuela. Further research can be conducted with a larger sample or a trip to Venezuela to see first-hand how the public interacts with the sport.
Baseball, Social impact, Sport, Venezuela, Economic impact