Coloring inside the (Guide)Lines: New Goals, New Rules, New Marketing Challenges
Coniglio, Jamie
Polchow, Michelle
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George Mason University’s new president rolled out the 10 year strategic plan quickly followed by the University's Office of Strategic Communication's new Brand Profile: A Guide to Messaging and Visual Identity. Change is in the air, but how do University Libraries interpret this vision, create a brand that binds our accomplishments and strengths, affirm our identity, and increase our visibility? As the University sets its sights on achieving Carnegie Very High Research classification, could marketing be a critical tool for tighter integration within the university? In August, 2014, a new Libraries Marketing Team took up the challenge to translate these new visions and directions into practical objectives, and to define, chart and measure integration into this shared vision of tomorrow.
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES
Coniglio J. and Polchow, M . Coloring Inside the new (Guide)Lines: New Goals, New Rules, New Marketing Challenges. Catholic University School of Library and Information Science Symposium, Washington, D.C. 20 February, 2015.