Nature and Outdoor Recreation After-school Program Curriculum




Behrens, Cheryl

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The Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services supervisors would like to implement a nature education and outdoor recreation curriculum in their community center’s free after-school program. The need for this curriculum is in response to Louv’s (2008) discussion of the Nature Deficit Disorder and America’s rising childhood obesity epidemic. This project examines the benefits of nature and outdoor recreation for elementary school youth. Exposure to nature can lower one’s stress level, improve memory, and create environmental stewardship. Participating in outdoor recreation has been linked to spending more time in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Curriculum from other government and private organizations are researched and reviewed. The researcher uses this information to recommend nature and outdoor recreation curriculum and activities that incorporate the Virginia science Standards of Learning (SOLs) and can be implemented in the free after-school program at the third and fourth grade levels.



Standards of learning, After-school programs, Out of school time, Curriculum, Nature benefits, Outdoor recreation
