Esperanzas, tiempos y narrativas: a propósito del siglo XIX Colombia
Garrido Otoya, Margarita
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Human societies have been moved by hope, as a political emotion, thereby leading social groups and communities to actively get involved in pursuing an objective or a concrete utopia. In Hispanic American Independencies, big hopes played a fundamental and decisive role in ways like those present in other revolutions and collective movements. This talk addresses the emotion of Hope for equality and liberty while building the new republics, especially in the case of New Granada (Colombia) during the XIX century. Diverse political interests, a variety of meanings of Hope, tensions between hope and hopelessness, and the disagreement when comparing rhythms as played by revolutionary and reformist movements are briefly touched. Hope and fear are elements present in governmental and other agents’ speeches as well as in the historical narratives offered as starting points for the future of the nation.
Felicidad, Happiness