Exploring Commonalities and Triggers that Influence Revolution




Sheehy, Daniel Joseph

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This thesis explores commonalities between theories concerning revolution crossing the boundaries of various academic domains. A careful observation of bias, including a portion detailing the perils of engaging in a dialectic analysis of theory concerning the matter, is exhaustively plotted within this thesis in an attempt to delineate the attention to detail and considerations of attribution error and analyst bias undertaken by the author. Since this thesis is contingent on being able to appropriately situate, take into account, and synthesize information from various domains of academia in an attempt to plot out and engage with a discourse concerning revolution, acknowledging the possible limitations as such was imperative to establishing an ethic to maintain consideration over. The specific theory clusters and conceptions engaged with may be perused through in more detail in the “Operational Definitions” section of the thesis, but some of the more salient ones include theory derived from Theda Skocpol concerning structuralist epistemology, more granular and philosophical considerations iterated upon through work done by Hannah Arendt concerning revolutions, some work done by Ted Robert Gurr concerning civil strife and social mobilization, an examination of a broader typology provided by Jack A. Goldstone, and others. Other more pre-suppositional theoretical material includes basic components of conflict analysis and resolution theory including identity theory, the various forms of violence posited by Johan Galtung, and an iteration of basic human needs shaped by John Burton.



Revolution, Liberty, Isonomy, Uprising, Freedom, Deprivation
