Newspaper Column: NVCC Comes Big Time to Reston
Nicoson, William J.
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Reston Times
From the cover of the Spring 2005 course catalogue freshly published by the Loudoun Campus of Northern Virginia Community College, I never expected to find 138 courses scheduled to be taught in Reston. The cover lists campuses in Alexandria, Annandale, Loudoun, Manassas, Springfield (called “Medical Education”) and Woodbridge. No reference is made on the cover to Fairfax County or to Reston. In prior years NVCC (NOVA to some) has maintained a few classrooms on the first floor of the SCS Building across Roger Bacon Drive from McDonald’s Restaurant. Now reliable sources tell me NVCC plans to take over the entire first floor except for the Millennium Bank space. Classrooms may swell to about 25,000 square feet. McDonald’s should also consider expanding to serve all the hungry scholars about to convene across the street.
PDF file distilled from original WordPerfect document. Original size 11" x 8.5".
Reston (Va.), Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC)