Anadromous Fish Survey Cameron Run 2015
de Mutsert, Kim
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The focus of the Cameron Run fish survey is river herring, the collective name of blueback herring and alewife. River herring populations have declined drastically over their range, spurring conservation efforts since 1970, which have been intensified since 2005 with implementation of moratoria. Identifying all areas used as spawning habitat by alewife and/or blueback herring is an important component of their conservation. Since 1988, George Mason University researchers have focused a monitoring program on the spawning of these species in other tributaries such as Pohick Creek, Accotink Creek, and, less regularly, Dogue Creek. With this study Cameron Run is added, which has not been monitored for presence of river herring or other anadromous species by either George Mason or other fisheries biologists before the start of this study in 2013 (Jim Cummins, pers. comm.). Our 2013 survey provided the first confirmation of Cameron Run as River Herring spawning habitat (Allan Weaver, VDGIF, pers. comm.). Use of Cameron Run by river herring upstream from where the effluent of Alexandria Renew Enterprises enters Cameron Run signifies that the effluent does not deter river herring from using Cameron Run as spawning habitat. In 2014 we moved the collection site approximately 500 m downstream (still above the Alexandria Renew Enterprises effluent), which increased our catches, and allows us to estimate the size of the spawning population. The new location proved successful and will remain the collection site for any subsequent surveys.
One part of a four-section report.
Anadromous fish, Cameron Run, Hunting Creek, River herring