Mathematics Instructional Practices and Assessment Accommodations by Secondary Special and General Educators
Maccini, Paula
Gagnon, Joseph Calvin
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Esceptional Children
A random sample of 179 secondary general education math and special education teachers from across the United States responded to a mail survey focusing on effective math instructional adaptations teachers use to help students with learning disabilities (LD) and emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD). The survey examined teachers’ perceptions of: (a) their confidence in teaching secondary mathematics; (b) effectiveness of special and general methods courses for preparing them to teach mathematics to students with LD and EBD and general education students; and (c) specific instructional adaptations and assessment accommodations used to assist students with LD and EBD during instruction and assessment. Significantly more special educators than general educators used specific empirically validated instructional adaptations. Also, the number of methods courses taken by teachers and knowledge of course topics (e.g., algebra, geometry) both uniquely and significantly contributed to the number of instructional adaptations used by both general and special educators. Additionally, the number of methods courses uniquely and significantly contributed to the number of assessment accommodations used by both general and special educators. Implications and future research are provided.
Mathematics, Special education, Instruction, Assessment accommodations
Maccini, P., & Gagnon, J. C. (2006). Mathematics instructional practices and assessment accommodations by secondary special and general educators. Exceptional Children, 72, 217-234