The AQ18 System for Machine Learning and Data Mining System: An Implementation and User's Guide




Michalski, Ryszard S.
Kaufman, Kenneth A.

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This report is a comprehensive user's guide for AQ18, an environment for natural induction, machine learning and knowledge discovery. By natural induction is meant a form of inductive inference which strives to induce data descriptions that are most natural and comprehensible to people. This feature is achieved by employing a highly expressive description language (attributional calculus). Along with a learning for determining attributional rulesets from examples, or for incrementally improving the previously learned rulesets through new examples, AQ18 also incorporates a ruleset testing module (ATEST) and a module for selecting the best attributes for a given learning problem (PROMISE).



Machine learning, Data mining, Inductive inference, Learning from examples


Kaufman, K. and Michalski, R. S., "The AQ18 System for Machine Learning and Data Mining System: An Implementation and User's Guide," Reports of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, MLI 00-3, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 2000.