Assistant Principal Professional Growth Needs: A Mixed Method Analysis of Perceived Skill Importance
Garduno, Mary Ellen
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Schools of the 21st century face many challenges. One of the greatest will be to fill the positions of the principals who will retire and leave their positions within the next ten years. This study examined the beliefs of three educator groups, assistant principals, principals and district executive staff regarding the importance of specific skill sets identified through an analysis of evaluation tools used for administrators in the state of Virginia. These groups provided importance ratings on the skills both for beginning assistant principals and for more experienced assistant principals preparing to become the potential principals of the future. In addition, beginning assistant principals provided information on their pre-training in the specific skills presented. A mixed method analysis was completed combining the results of a quantitative analysis of survey results with qualitative analysis of interview results to look at the differences in belief systems of the three groups over the two time periods. Assistant principals had higher expectations for themselves in all of the presented skill sets as they started their careers. There were statistical and practical differences between their scores and the scores of principals in most areas reviewed. District executive staff generally rated the skills higher than the principals and lower than the assistant principals for first year skills. All three groups demonstrated increased expectations over time with practical and statistical significance present only in budgeting and resource management for more experienced assistant principals. Assistant principals reported receiving instruction through their university preparation programs in the specific skill sets presented 27% to 100% of the time. These findings provide useful information for helping principals and district executive staff provide supports to beginning assistant principals as well as professional growth opportunities. University programs may also find the results helpful in developing pre-training curriculum which addresses the skills needed for success as school administrators.
Education, Leadership, Professional development, Assistant principal, Principal