Brkic, CourtneyGoetsch, Leslie2016-08-082021-04-21 thesis has been embargoed for 5 years and will not be available until April 2021.SALAD DAYS is the story of Anne Roberts’s coming of middle age. Anne has enjoyed an uneventful, uninspired life as a mother, wife and English teacher, but that all begins to change once she and her husband become empty nesters. From her husband’s surprise decision that they will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, to a series of misadventures for her sons, to some misconstrued romance in her school life, Anne realizes the end of her salad days. In keeping with the Shakespearian drama she teaches her high school students, she finds the coming of middle age a fine line between comedy and tragedy. SALAD DAYS traces Anne’s year as she tries to navigate that precarious line.enMiddle ageShakespeare, William, 1564-1616Salad saysSalad DaysThesis