Bergstein, Andrew2007-06-132007-06-132007-06-13 letter, original; 11” x 8.5” (27.9 cm x 21.6 cm)Letter from Andrew Bergstein, vice president of Siddall, Matus & Coughter, INC., to Marsha McDevitt dated March 1, 1983. In this letter, Bergstein discusses the Bloomingdales model to be open the weekend following the first of March. Much of the letter discusses details for the events surround the opening of the model homes. Bergstein was specifically writing to McDevitt to have her review some scripts for the event. Planned Community Archives Collection, mcd7.02en-USReston (Va.)BloomingdalesLetter: Andrew Bergstein to Marsha McDevitt, March 1, 1983Other