Warfield, John2008-10-022008-10-021994-10https://hdl.handle.net/1920/3318Manuscript: typescript with bullet points. 6 pgs. 8.5" X 11" (21.6 cm x 29.7 cm)In this abstract of a talk, Warfield stresses the need for making management responsive to his "17 Laws of Complexity" by use of structural models and good group process Techniques for doing this are contained in his Interactive Management (IM) support system. By following his suggestions, Warfield believes that intellectual organizations can increase their productivity. Attached to the abstract are notes Warfield used while giving the presentation. John N. Warfield Collection 42.14en-USWarfield, John N.DemosophiaInteractive Management (IM)Numerant modelsStructural modelsLaws of ComplexityPaper and attached Notes: "Accelerating Productivity of Intellectual Organizations by Systems Methodologies," October 1994Other